EllaFashion price labels by Finnish MariElla Labels won the RBTE Innovation Award at the Retail Business Expo in London earlier this month.

EllaFashion Solution consists of price displays, two-way radio equipment and controller software.

Electronic price labelling product and augmented reality start-up, have both been named winners of the RBTE Innovation Award, as part of the Innovation Trail & Awards 2017, sponsored by Aptos.

The fashion retail landscape must adapt to changing consumer habits. Technologies which marry the physical stores with digital retail spaces are becoming a default for any successful business in the fashion world. Retailers will succeed if they are able to create and individualise customer journeys which are supported by digital platforms and tools with various touchpoints.

The digitalisation of stores, customer expectations and more is discussed in POS Manager Technology 02/2017. Agata Sadowska, VP of Sales and Projects at MariElla Labels comments on how electronic price labels are set to imact the industry.

EllaFashion hat mit dem EllaFitting Room-System eine intelligente Technologie eingeführt, die Art und Weise der Benutzung von Umkleidekabinen in Modegeschäften revolutioniert. Jede Umkleidekabine bekommt ein Touchscreen-Display, das für eine Vielzahl nützlicher Funktionen verwendet werden kann.

Jari Ekblad, COO von MariElectronics Oy, spricht im Interview mit Ecommerce News Magazin darüber wie elektronische Preisschild-Lösungen den Mode-Einzelhandel verändern könnten. Gerade in der bevorstehenden Vorweihnachtszeit könnten solche Systeme Händlern zunutze kommen.

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